Saturday 18 June 2011

This campus caper is a bilingual, made on a shoestring budget. And brain. The director has emulated S Narayan’s all-round skills, claiming it to be the tale of a yoga teacher ‘rescuing’ the students and a college from the clutches of the drug mafia. 

There’s more. At least three ‘love’ tracks, an attempted suicide and a real one, a hilariously charged fight scene, ‘college’ scenes, vacuous words brandished as campus humour - a treasure unearthed from inside a vacuumed head, alas! There is also a voluptuous Namitha and a director-cinematographer duo overeager to ‘project’ her assets.

Namitha I Love You is an example of overkill – even sleaze-fests possess something to tantalise and taunt. This film appears to be an extension of one of the many Telugu daily soaps catering mainly to insomniacs.

Director is in a hurry to cram as many elements as possible that he forgets to put in the item song. But the Namitha ‘dream’ song gamely tries to make up for it. As for the lady herself, there are many questions left unanswered – Why must women - lavishly endowed or otherwise - be typecast as sex machines? Why is there no role that allows the star to please the audience with her acting? How did she agree to do THIS role?

A poorly structured screenplay and dialogues that even stoned youth – the drug orgy scene mocks average intelligence - find it hard to mouth, the film leaves behind an aftertaste of horror.

At the future of contemporary college life, education relegated to the trash bin and the glorification of lust above all natural emotions.

Families and sane people are advised to skip this insult to cinema.

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